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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Direct Student Loan Consolidation

Direct student loan consolidation

Student loans are two-edged swords. Without them, you couldn’t pay for that degree you worked so hard for. On the other hand, without them, you might actually get to keep the amount you pay out every month for yourself. You might get to pay your other bills on time, afford a more reliable car, or find a better place to live.

If repaying your student loans is challenging your budget, or worse, putting your finances – and credit rating – in the red, you might want to think about a direct student loan consolidation.

With a direct student loan consolidation, you exchange your outstanding student loans with their higher interest rates for one loan with a more manageable, fixed interest rate.

A direct student loan consolidation may be the answer to more than one problem. If you have struggled to meet your monthly payments and in fact have used every option for deferment or forbearance your current loans offer, or find yourself about to default on your loan, a direct student loan consolidation can mean a fresh start. A new loan is often a clean slate. 

Not only do deferment and forbearance options become available in case of need again, but often direct student loan consolidation gives you a much lower interest rate – as much as 0.6 percentage points – thereby lowering your monthly payments. And when you consolidate those student loans under a new loan, those loans show up on your credit report as paid off, and your credit score benefits.

There are four plans for repaying a direct student loan consolidation that you many want to investigate as you consider which is best for your needs.

The first plan is a Standard Repayment Plan and gives you a fixed monthly payment for up to 10 years. The Extended Repayment Plan also sets fixed monthly payments, but the repayment period is set between 12 and 30 years, according to the total amount you borrow. In this plan your payments are lower because they are spread across a long period of time. Keep in mind, however, that making payments over longer periods of time means you will end up paying out a larger total amount.

The third option is the Graduated Repayment Plan. This is another direct student loan consolidation plan with a repayment period between 12 and 30 years, only in this plan the amount of your monthly payment will increase every two years.

Finally, if you have a job and family, the Income Contingent Repayment Plan may be what you’re looking for. This plan sets a monthly payment based on your annual gross income, family size, and total direct student loan debt, and spreads those payments over a period of 25 years.

While direct student loan consolidation may be the best way to get on top of student loans for some, if you are close to paying off your existing loans, it may not be worth it in the long run to consolidate or extend your payments.

However, if you are still seeing loan payments coming out of your pocket well into the future, consider the direct student loan consolidation seriously. If you consolidate your loans while you are still in school, you may qualify for a 6-month grace period before repayment begins. You may find you will be able to keep any subsidies on your old loans.

Lower your monthly payments, improve your credit rating, gain control of your loans, and give yourself peace of mind about the future with a direct student loan consolidation.

Car Loan With No Credit

Car loan with no credit

The present market activity has brought to you an opportunity to apply for a car loan also having no credit history. It is no more difficult to face the deal for you. You can have your dream car so easily and you don’t need to worry for not having any credit report as a proof of your good or in case any bad score. The most important step in this case is to open a checking account. Your regular bill payments can be counted as your credit score with respective checking account. That will work for representing your minimum credit history. If possible before making any deal you can open a credit card account but that is not very necessary.

As you have no credit history as such it is very important to settle your payment procedure with little higher amount of down payment. That will decrease the risk of loan and moreover you will be getting comparatively lower rates. Remember that for the reason of not having any credit history you will not get treated with good credit history rather to some extent it will seem that you have bad credit history. But don’t get confused about that; it will not hamper your purchase procedure rather if you desperately make high down payment you will definitely gain lower rate of interest to be paid for your obtained loan.

There are various lenders in the market. You try to make a shop around through the market and in this way you can have an idea how to deal with and how to meet low cost to buy your car. The lenders offer various types of finance packages and a have close look into that and ask for quote from all the lenders as much as possible. That will make your dealing easier. Your no credit history will affect any more if you are able to meet the best car finance. Fix your goal with no quick approach rather try to make an evaluation of all terms and conditions you are being offered and also the charges and interest rates you have to pay. You should also have a clear idea of your monthly payment. Make a suitable judgment over that and decide whether it is affordable for you or not. Don’t forget that it a golden chance for you to prepare a good credit scores which will help you in any future dealing very actively.

After selecting the suitable and affordable deal you have to perform some paper works. Fill them accordingly and get approved for getting the loan for buying the car. In this way you can find it no more big deal to have car finance even with no credit history. Again if you find it not suitable for your financial capacity go for refinancing which will take few years and use the rest of the period in making regular payments for your purchased car. So don’t get late and be forward; may be you can have your dream car within next few days and this time it will definitely make you to have a positive approach although having no credit history. Be active and don’t miss the chance to build your good credit history with this car loan facilty.

Bad Credit Car Loans

Bad Credit Home Equity Line of Credit

Bad Credit Home Equity Line of Credit

Bad credit can increase the difficulty that a homeowner encounters when seeking a home equity line of credit. Bad credit can be the reason for a poor credit score.

What is a credit score? The credit score varies between the values of 300 and 850. The credit score is the creation of the Fair Isaac Corporation. Lenders who arrange for a home equity line of credit use the credit score in order to set the interest rate that will be charged the homeowner.

Homeowners with a low credit score will need to pay higher interest payments. A score above 700 is assurance of good interest rates. The credit score also serves as an indicator of whether or not a lender should accept a homeowner’s application for credit. Decisions on credit limits for the homeowner are likewise based on the homeowner’s credit score.

The credit score is a function of the homeowner’s past line of credit. In the U.S., three different agencies keep a record of each consumer’s line of credit. Those agencies are Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. If a homeowner with a low credit score wants to raise that score, then the homeowner must contact each of those three agencies.

The effort to overcome a record of bad credit and to raise a credit score requires the contesting of false claims that money is owed. If the homeowner can prove that the claim for money is spurious then the homeowner has an opportunity to raise his credit score. This action should be taken if the homeowner who plans to seek a home equity line of credit has a score less than 640. Such a score would be a sign of bad credit.

The contesting of a credit score is not like a shot in the dark. A survey of credit reports in the U.S. showed that 80% of such reports contained mistakes. Thus, a homeowner could have good reason to question the credit score that is being used to determine the interest rate on a home equity line of credit.

The credit score for a couple, a pair that are joint homeowners, is based on three credit scores from the person with the most sizable income. This is the score that the homeowner needs to make correct. Such correction may require a written statement to each of the above-mentioned agencies. Those agencies will then contact the homeowner and indicate if more information is necessary. If the homeowner is lucky, then the credit score will be increased and the interest rate for the desired home equity line of credit will be lowered.

Once the homeowner has a good credit score then he will want to avoid slipping back into that region of bad credit. This means that the homeowners must avoid the sort of spending that carries them to the borders of their credit limits.  

Bad Credit Personal Loans

Bad Credit Home Loans

Bad Credit Home Loans

A "bad credit home loan" is a loan that one can get despite having a bad credit rating. Many lenders offer a bad credit home loan knowing fully that their loan is secure, since it is taken on mortgage of your home.

A bad credit home loan is an instrument of opportunity for those who have bad credit rating and would like drop out of their debt and start on the road to good credit building. By availing of a bad credit home loan you can lower your monthly payments by consolidating all your debts and also enjoy a lower interest rate on the current debt. The consolidation and paying off your current debts by availing of a bad credit home loan is a major step towards credit repair. Moreover, if you can keep up the payments on your second home loan for about six months to a year, you will see a remarkable change in your credit score.

Most popular options available on bad credit home loans are cash out mortgage refinance and home equity loans. Both options allow you to cash in on the equity already paid into your home mortgage and use it to get yourself out of debt. It’s best to deal with a mortgage company online to avoid bank associate’s talk around and skepticism. Its also easier to compare various offers form different lenders to make sure you are not being cheated. Please keep in mind the following while filling up forms for online mortgage:

a.         Make sure you read the articles on online mortgage at the bad credit home loan lender’s websites. By this you can educate yourself on various types of financing and be informed and up to date on fees and current lending rates
b.         While applying for online quotes, do not opt for a generic estimate which is based on you monthly income and bills, fill out detailed information whereupon you can get a real accurate quote.
c.         Try and get to the total bad credit home loan cost i.e. including the closing fees, application fees, any other charges, interest charged, amortization and loan fees etc.
d.         After applying, do not forget to keep all records received from the lender and follow up with weekly phone calls to make sure things are moving on time.
e.         After completion of bad credit home loan, plan to refinance in about three years, by which you should be back in good credit, if you have kept up regular repayments. This will help in reducing your short time debt and maximize your future credit rating.

Use your bad credit home loan to the maximum advantage to get your credit rating back in line. This will help you plan a secure future for you and your family.

Bad Credit Loans With Very Poor Credit